Enquiry points/Notification authorities
Country/territory | Name/Agency | Contact information |
Afghanistan | WTO/TBT Enquiry Point Jalalabad Highway Industrial Parks, Kabul P.O Box No: 5172 Central Post Office, Kabul | |
Afghanistan | Afghan National Standards Authority (ANSA) Kabul - Jalalabad Highway Industrial Parks Kabul P.O Box No: 5172 Central Post Office, Kabul | Phone: (+ 93)75 20 86 74 3; (+93)77 17 67 99 5 Website: http://ansa.gov.af |
Albania | General Directorate of Standardization Contact person: Mrs. Kostanca Dedja Director General Directorate of Standardization Legal Affairs and Communication Department (A): Rr.: "Reshit Çollaku", (ILDKPKI, VI floor) Tirana | Email: info@dps.gov.al; nati@dps.gov.al Phone: +(355 42) 22 62 55; +(355 42) 22 71 76 Website: http://www.dps.gov.al/ |
Algeria | Point d'information OTC
Institute Algérien de Normalisation (IANOR) 5 et 7 Rue Abou Hamou Moussa DZ Alger BP 104 RP | |
Angola | Ministério da Indústria e Comércio Eng. Olga Afonso Directora do INIQ Largo 17 de Setembro Palácio de Vidro Luanda | |
Antigua and Barbuda | The Antigua and Barbuda Bureau of Standards (ABBS) Old Parham Road, Box 1550 St. John's Antigua (W.I.) | Email: tbt.enquiries@ab.gov.ag; solange.baptiste@ab.gov.ag Phone: +(268) 562 40 11 Website: http://www.abbs.gov.ag |
Argentina | Secretaría de Industria y Comercio Dirección Nacional de Reglamentos Técnicos Área de Obstáculos Técnicos al Comercio Avda. Julio A. Roca N° 651 Of. 416 (C1067ABB) Buenos Aires Argentina | Email: focalotc@produccion.gob.ar Phone: +(54 11) 4349 4037 / 4067 Website: http://www.puntofocal.gob.ar |
Armenia | Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia National Body for Standards and Metrology 49/4, Komitas Ave. Yerevan 0051 | |
Armenia | Quality Infrastructure Development Department Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia 5 M. Mkrtchyan Yerevan 0010 | Phone: +374 11 597 165 |
Australia | WTO TBT Enquiry Point Office of Global Trade Negotiations Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Canberra A.C.T Canberra 0221 | |
Austria | For technical regulations (Article 10.1)
Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft/Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy "Multilaterale und EU-Handelspolitik" (C2/3); Division 'Multilateral and EU-Trade Policy' (C2/3) Wien A-1011 | Phone: +(43 1) 71100; ext. 5774 Website: http://www.bmwfw.gv.at |
Austria | Österreichischer Verband für Elektrotechnik - ÖVE
(Austrian Electronical Association) Eschenbachgasse 9 A-1010 Wien Austria | |
Austria | For non-governmental standards (Article 10.3)
Österreichisches Normungsinstitut - ON (Austrian Standards Institute) Heinestraße 38 P.O.B. 130 A- 1021 Wien Austria | |
Azerbaijan | Azerbaijan Standardization Institute
PLE under the State Service for Antimonopoly and Consumer Market Control under the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan AZ1029, Baku city E. Isagzade settlement 7th cross-street AZ 1147 | |
Bahamas | TBT Enquiry Point
Contact: Marva Williams 1000 Bacardi Road The Source River Center | |
Bahrain, Kingdom of | Mr. Ali S. Shubbar Hasan
Director, Directorate of Testing & Metrology Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism Harbour Gate- 3rd floor Bahrain Financial Harbour P.O. Box: 60667 Manama Bahrain P.O. Box 5 | |
Bangladesh | Bangladesh WTO-TBT National Enquiry Point Maan Bhaban 116/A, Tejgaon Industrial Area Dhaka 1208 | Phone: +(88) 02 8870278 Website: http://bsti.gov.bd/wto.html |
Barbados | Renate Lynn Sealy
Technical Officer Specifications Development, Quality Control & Certification Barbados National Standards Institution The Small Business Development Centre Fontabelle St Michael BB 14001 | |
Belarus | Tatiana Svirko
National Information Centre for Technical Barriers to Trade Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures 3 Melezh Str Minsk Minsk 220113 | |
Belgium | BELNOTIF Federal Public Service Economy, SMEs, Self-Employed and Energy (FPS Economy) Directorate-General for Quality and Safety North Gate III Boulevard du Roi Albert II, 16 Brussels B-1000 | |
Belize | Belize Bureau of Standards
Ministry of Economic Development, Petroleum, Investment, Trade and Commerce Power Lane Ministry of Works Compound P.O Box 430 City of Belmopan, Cayo District Belize, Central America | |
Benin | Ministry of Trade and Tourism Cotonou P.O.B 2037 | Phone: +(229) 31 52 67; +(229) 31 54 02 |
Bolivia, Plurinational State of | Viceministerio de Políticas de Industrialización Punto focal: Richard Wilmer Rojas Ramos, Director General de Servicios y Calidad Industrial Viceministerio de Políticas de Industrialización Punto alterno: Andrés Gerardo Ledezma Araníbar, Profesional en Análisis de Reglamentación Técnica | |
Bolivia, Plurinational State of | Reglamentación Técnica: Viceministerio de Políticas de Industrialización Av. Mcal. Santa Cruz, Edif. Centro de Comunicaciones La Paz – Bolivia | |
Botswana | Botswana Bureau of Standards Nametso Moilwa Senior Documentation and Information Officer Physical address: Plot no: 55745 Block 8. Airport Road. Postal address: Botswana Bureau of Standards Private Bag BO48 Gaborone | Email: enquiries@bobstandards.bw; moilwa@bobstandards.bw Phone: +267 3903200/3645604 Website: http://www.bobstandards.bw |
Brazil | National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology - Inmetro Contact: Reinaldo Wacha (Head of the Brazilian TBT/WTO Enquiry Point) Paulo Roque Silva (Deputy Head of the Brazilian TBT/WTO Enquiry Point) Av. Nossa Sra. das Graças 50 - Xerém, Duque de Caxias Building 20 4th floor Rio de Janeiro RJ 20261-232 | Email: barreirastecnicas@inmetro.gov.br Phone: +(55) 21 2563-5652 Website: http://www.inmetro.gov.br/barreirastecnicas |
Brunei Darussalam | National Standards Centre B19, Simpang 32-15, Anggerek Desa Flat. BB8810 | |
Bulgaria | Bulgarian Institute for Standardization (BDS)
Contact: Violeta Yordanova 13 Lachezar Stanchev Str. Izgrev complex 1797 Sofia Bulgaria | |
Bulgaria | (a)Enquiry point for technical regulations:
Ministry of Economy and Energy Technical Harmonization and Consumer Policy Directorate Contact: Lyubomir Dimitrov 8 Slavyanska St. Sofia 1000 | |
Burkina Faso | Agence Burkinabè de Normalisation, de la Métrologie et de la Qualité (ABNORM) Gestionnaire du PNI/OTC: Monsieur KIEMA Sibidaogo Wilfrid Avenue des Arts, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso Ouagadougou | Email: siwil2012@gmail.com; abnorm.bf@gmail.com Phone: (+226) 76 67 46 29; (+226) 71 11 68 77; (+226) 25 37 14 43 Website: www.abnorm.bf |
Burundi | Bureau Burundais de Normalisation
Contact Person: Mr Jean Claude NDEREYIMANA B.P. 3535 Bujumbura | Email: jndereyimana@ymail.com Phone: +(257) 79 91 09 69; +(257) 77 83 49 47 Website: http://www.bbnburundi.org |
Cambodia | Institute of Standards of Cambodia (ISC) Ministry of Industry Science, Technology and Innovation Address: #538 National Road No.2 Sangkat Chak-AngRe-Le, Khan Meanchey Phnom Penh, Cambodia | Email: camtbt-info@isc.gov.kh; misti-tbt@isc.gov.kh Phone: (855) 77 415 133; (855) 17 928 792 Website: http://www.isc.gov.kh |
Cameroon | Ministère du Développement Industriel et Commercial
Direction du Développement Industriel Cellule de la Normalisation et de la Qualité Yaounde | Phone: +(237) 22 11 20; +(237) 23 26 37 |
Canada | Notification Authority and Enquiry Point
Global Affairs Canada Technical Barriers and Regulations Division 111 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0G2 ON K1A 0G | Email: enquirypoint@international.gc.ca Phone: +(343) 203-4273 Website: http://www.international.gc.ca |
Central African Republic | Direction de la Concurrence et de la Répression des Fraudes Economiques Bangui BP: 1988 | Phone: +(236) 61 30 69; +(236) 61 07 69 |
Chile | (a) In relation to Technical Regulations (Article 10.1): Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Subsecretaría de Relaciones Económicas Internacionales (SUBREI) Contact: TBT Sub-Department Bombero Salas 1345 Piso 11 Santiago | |
Chile | (b) In relation to Standards (Article 10.3):
Instituto Nacional de Normalización Alameda 1449 Torre 7 Piso 16 Santiago | |
China | TBT Notification and Enquiry Division, Research Center for International Inspection and Quarantine Standards and Technical Regulations, General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China No. 20-3, Hepingli East Street Dongcheng District Beijing 100013 China 100088 | Email: tbt@customs.gov.cn cc: tbtspsnna@mofcom.gov.cn Phone: +(86 10)57 95 46 88; +(86 10) 57 95 46 27 |
Colombia | Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Turismo Dirección de Regulación Calle 28 No. 13A-15. Piso 3 Bogotá D. C., Colombia | |
Costa Rica | Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Comercio- MEIC
Dirección de Calidad Centro de Información de Obstáculos Técnicos al Comercio - CIOT San José Apartado P | Email: msolera@meic.go.cr; crotc@meic.go.cr Phone: +(506) 22 2549 1479 Website: http://www.meic.go.cr |
Côte d'Ivoire | KOUASSI Yao Edmond,
Directeur du Centre d'information sur les normes et la Réglementation (CINR/CODINORM) Côte d'Ivoire Normalisation (CODINORM) 2 plateaux Sideci Angle Blvd Latrille Rue K115 Villa 195 (repère SOCOCE 2-plateaux) Abidjan - Cocody 01 bp 1872 Abidjan 01 01 BP 1872 | Email: info@codinorm.ci; edmondkouassi@codinorm.ci; kouassed2007@yahoo.fr Phone: +(225) 27 22 41 67 58; +(225) 27 20 01 10 74; +(225) 27 77 00 46 12; +(225) 27 71 11 08 08 Website: http://www.codinorm.ci |
Croatia | TBT Enquiry Point
Croatian Stardards Institute (HZN) Contact person: Mr. Mladen Radetic Ulica grada Vukovara 78 Zagreb 10000 | Email: wto.tbt.info@hzn.hr; mladen.radetic@hzn.hr Phone: +(385) 1 610 60 90; +(385) 1 610 60 95 Website: http://www.hzn.hr |
Cuba | Reglamentos técnicos: Dirección de Regulaciones Técnicas y Calidad (DRTC) Ministerio del Comercio Exterior y la Inversión Extranjera (MINCEX) Infanta Nº 16 esquina a 23 Vedado Contact: MSc Mariela Cué Ladrón de Guevara Havana 10400 | |
Cuba | Normas y procedimientos de evaluación de la conformidad: Oficina Nacional de Normalización (ONN) Contacto: MSc. Norma Hylton Bermudez Calle E Nº 261 entre 11 y 13 La Habana Vedado, 10400 | |
Cyprus | Cyprus Organization for the Promotion of Quality
Ministry of Energy, Commerce, Industry and Tourism. Andrea Araouzou 13 - 15 Nicosia CY 1421 | Email: director@cys.mcit.gov.cy; aioannou@cys.mcit.gov.cy Phone: +(357) 22 409 353 Website: http://www.cys.mcit.gov.cy |
Czech Republic | Czech Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing WTO/TBT Enquiry Point Contact person: Mrs. Jindra Kafková Biskupský dvůr 1148/5 Prague 110 00 | Email: wto.tbt@unmz.cz Phone: +(420) 221 802 194 Website: http://www.unmz.cz/office/wto-tbt-enquiry-point |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | Ministère du commerce extérieur
Secrétaire général au commerce Office congolais de contrôle (OCC) B.P. 3095 KINSHASA GOMBE | |
Denmark | Danish Standards Göteborg Plads 1 Nordhavn DK-2150 | |
Djibouti | Mr. Awaleh Osman Djama Directeur Général de l'Agence Djiboutienne des Normes et de la Qualité Point focal SPS/OTC | |
Dominica | The Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade, and Marketing Government Headquarters Kennedy Avenue Roseau | Phone: +(1 767) 448 2401; Ext. 3213 |
Dominica | Dominica Bureau of Standards
Contact person: Dr. Steve John, Director 28 Kennedy Avenue, 1st Floor P.O. Box 1015 Roseau | |
Dominican Republic | Servicio Nacional de Información sobre OTC Viceministerio de Comercio Exterior (VICOMEX) Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Mipymes (MICM) Avenida 27 de Febrero No. 306 Torre MICM Bella Vista Santo Domingo, R.D 10121 | |
Ecuador | Organismo: Ministerio de Producción, Comercio Exterior, Inversiones y Pesca (MPCEIP); Subsecretaría de la Calidad Persona de contacto principal: Cristian Eduardo Yépez Jaramillo Plataforma Gubernamental de Gestión Financiera; Av. Amazonas entre Unión Nacional de Periodistas y Alfonso Pereira Piso 8 Bloque amarillo Quito EC170522 | Email: puntocontacto-otcecu@produccion.gob.ec; puntocontactoecu@gmail.com; cyepez@produccion.gob.ec Phone: +(593 2) 3948760; Ext. 2254; Ext. 2252 Website: http://www.produccion.gob.ec |
Egypt | Egyptian Organization for Standardization and Quality (EOS) Chairman: Acting as a Head of the EOS, Dr.Eng. Kaled Hassan Sofy 16, Tadreeb El Modarrebeen St. El Ameriya Cairo | Email: eos.tbt@eos.org.eg; eos@idsc.net.eg Phone: +(202) 2 284 55 22 +(202) 2 284 55 24 Website: http://www.eos.org.eg |
El Salvador | Ministerio de Economía (MINEC) Dirección de Administración de Tratados Comerciales DATCO Edificio C-2, Tercera planta Centro de Gobierno, Plan Maestro Calle Guadalupe y Alameda Juan Pablo II San Salvador | Email: datco@economia.gob.sv omc_es@economia.gob.sv Phone: + (503) 2590-5788 Website: http://www.economia.gob.sv |
Estonia | Estonian Centre for Standardisation (EVS)
Member/Observer: Estonian Centre for Standardisation (EVS) Akadeemia tee 21/6 Tallinn 12618 10317 | |
Eswatini | Eswatini Standards Authority Plot 247 Mrabel Construction premises Kind Mswati 3rd Avenue 11th Street Matsapha Industrial Site P.O. Box 1399 Matsapha M202 | |
European Union | Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs Avenue d'Auderghem 45 Brussels 1000 | Email: GROW-EU-TBT@ec.europa.eu Phone: +(32 2) 299 85849 Website: https://technical-barriers-trade.ec.europa.eu/en/home |
Fiji | Fiji Trade Standards and Quality Control Office
Contact person: Ms Seema Sharma, Senior Economic Planning Officer P. O. Box 2118 Government Buildings Suva | |
Finland | For technical regulations and conformity assessment procedures:
Ministry of Employment and the Economy (in Finland) P.O. Box 32 FI-00023 | |
Finland | For standards:
Finnish Standards Association SFS P.O. Box 130 (Malminkatu 34) Helsinki FI-00101 | |
France | Ministères économiques et financiers DGE/SCIDE Bât. Sieyès -Télédoc 143 61, Bd Vincent Auriol PARIS Cedex 13 75703 | |
Gabon | Point d'information national (OTC): Agence Gabonaise de Normalisation (AGANOR)/ Division de l'Industrie BP: 23744 / Libreville | |
Gabon | Autorité nationale responsable des notifications SPS et OTC: Direction Générale du Commerce Rue François de Paul VANE UBISSANI, Montagne Sainte après le complexe Michel DIRAT BP: 561 | |
The Gambia | The Gambia Standards Bureau (TGSB) TBT Enquiry Point Contact Persons Ms. Isatou Cham, Senior Standards and Trade Officer Mr. Papa Secka, Director General Kotu East, Serekunda The Gambia | |
Georgia | LEPL - National Agency for Standards and Metrology of Georgia (GEOSTM) Contact: Sulkhan Tabaghua - Director of Standards Department. 67 Chargali str. Tbilisi 0178 | Email: nep.tbt@geostm.ge; st.geostm@gmail.com Phone: (+995 32) 2 61 35 00; (+995 32) 261 25 30/348 Website: https://geostm.ge/8/ |
Germany | DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V. (DIN) National TBT Enquiry Point Saatwinkler Damm 42/43, Berlin 13627 | |
Germany | Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH (DAkkS)
(National accreditation body for the Federal Republic of Germany) Spittelmarkt 10 D-10117 Berlin | |
Ghana | WTO TBT National Enquiry Point
Ghana Standards Authority P. O. Box MB 245 Accra | Email: wtotbt.nep@gsa.gov.gh Phone: +(233) 0302 500065; +(233) 0302 500066 Website: http://www.gsa.gov.gh |
Greece | National Quality Infrastructure System (N.Q.I.S.)
Hellenic Organization for Standardization (ELOT) Information Centre for Standards and Technical Regulations Contact Person: Evangelia Alexandri 50 Kifisou Av. GR 121 33 Peristeri | |
Grenada | Grenada Bureau of Standards (GDBS) P.O. Box 2036 Queen's Park St. George's | |
Guatemala | Obstáculos Técnicos al Comercio
Magin Beteta Barillas Francisco Fernando Vásquez Collado Ministerio de Economía de Guatemala 8ª Avenida 10-43, zona 1 Ciudad de Guatemala | |
Guinea | l'Institut Guineen de Normalisation et de Metrologie (IGNM),
M. Yacouba SYLLA, Directeur General Adjoint Autorite Nationale de Notification OTC M. Mamadou Madjou Barry, Chef Section Documentation Autorité Nationale de Notification OTC BP: 1639 Conakry | |
Guinea-Bissau | Direcçao de Serviços de Normalizaçao e Promoçao da Qualidade (DSNPQ)
Contact Person: Mr. SOARES VAZ, Director Av. 3 de Agosto Bissau Bissau C.P. 85 | |
Guyana | Guyana National Bureau of Standards (GNBS) WTO/TBT Enquiry Point Contact: Ms. Nickasi McCalmon Track MB, Block B, National Exhibition Centre, Sophia, Georgetown, Guyana. | Email: wto-tbt.enquiry@gnbsgy.org Phone: Tel: +(592) 219 0062; +(592) 219 0064; +(592) 219 0065; +(592) 219 0066 Ext. 2014 Website: http://www.gnbsgy.org |
Haiti | Bureau Haïtien de Normalisation
Ministère du Commerce et de l'Industrie Direction du contrôle de la qualité et de la protection de consummateur Contact: Mademoiselle Michelle DESRUISSEAUX 8, Rue Légitime Port-au-Prince | |
Honduras | Secretaría de Desarrollo Económico (SDE) Dirección General de Integración Económica y Política Comercial Centro Cívico Gubernamental "José Cecilio del Valle" Torre 1, Nivel 9 Tegucigalpa 11101 | Email: gsalinas_sic@yahoo.com; gabriela.salinas@sde.gob.hn Phone: (+504) 2242-8365 Website: https://sde.gob.hn/ |
Honduras | ||
Honduras | . | |
Honduras | . | |
Hong Kong, China | Innovation and Technology Commission
The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 36/F., Immigration Tower Wan Chai - Hong Kong | |
Hungary | For technical regulations: Hungarian Technical Notification Centre EU Legal Compliance Department Ministry of European Union Affairs Contact person: Mr. Zsolt Fazekas Budapest Bathory street 10. H-1054 | |
Hungary | For standards:
Magyar Szabvanyugyi Testület (Hungarian Standards Institute) Üllöi út 25, Pf.,24 Budapest 9 H-1450 | |
Iceland | For technical regulations: Institute for Accreditation, Legal Metrology, Market Surveillance, Metrology and Electrical Safety Borgartuni 21 Reykjavik Reykjavik IS-150 | Phone: +(354) 510 11 00 |
Iceland | For standards: The Icelandic Standardization Council
Holtagardar Reykjavik Reykjavik IS-104 | Phone: +(354) 520 71 50 |
Iceland | Ministry for Foreign Affairs
External Trade Department Contact person: Mrs. Bryndis Kjartansdóttir Raudaràrstig 25 Reykjavik Reykjavik IS-150 | |
India | For all queries except the Telecom Sector: Mr. Rajneesh Khosla Scientist F & Head (International Relations & Technical Information Services Department) Bureau of Indian Standards Manak Bhavan 9, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg New Delhi 110002 | |
India | Enquiry point for Telecom Sector: Telecommunication Engineering Centre (TEC) Sh. Arvind Kumar Tripathi, DDG (IMP&TEP) Room No. 161, Khurshid Lal Bhawan, Janpath, New Delhi New Delhi 110001 | |
Indonesia | TBT WTO Notification Body and Enquiry Point of Indonesia National Standardization Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BSN) Contact person: Ms. Konny Sagala Director of Implementation System for Standards and Conformity Assessment Jl. Kuningan Barat Raya No. 01A Kuningan, Mampang Prapatan Jakarta Selatan DKI Jakarta 12710 | Email: tbt.indonesia@bsn.go.id; tbt.indonesia@gmail.com Phone: +(62) 21 3927422; ext 127 Website: http://tbt.bsn.go.id |
Ireland | Department of Business, Enterprise & Innovation,
Trade Policy Unit 23 Kildare Street Dublin 2 | |
Ireland | For Standards:
Standards Development National Standards Authority of Ireland Glasnevin 1 Swift Square Northwood Santry D09 A0E4 Dublin 9 | |
Israel | WTO-TBT Enquiry Point
Standardization Administration Ministry of Economy and Industry 86 Menahem Begin Road Tel-Aviv 6713833 | Email: Yael.Friedgut@Service.economy.gov.il Phone: + (972) 74 750 2236 Website: https://www.gov.il/en/departments/ministry_of_economy/govil-landing-page |
Italy | For technical regulations
TBT Italia Enquiry Point Ministry of Economic Development Directorate General for Market, Competition, the Consumer, Vigilance and Technical Regulations Division XIII – Technical regulation Contact person: Mr. Giovanni Savini - Legal Officer Interim Director Via Sallustiana, 53 00187 Rome 00187 | |
Italy | Database for national Technical rules and laws in force:
Normattiva - Il portale della legge vigente Via Tiburtina, 19 Rome 00185 | Phone: +(39 06) 4993 7445; +(39 06)4993 7455 |
Italy | For standards (except electricity and electronics):
Ente Nazionale Italiano di Unificazione (UNI) Via Sannio, 2 20135 Milan | Email: presidenza@uni.com; direzione@uni.com Phone: +(39 02) 700 24 402; +(39 02) 700 24 420 Website: http://www.uni.com |
Italy | For standards concerning electricity and electronics:
Comitato Elettrotecnico Italiano (CEI) Via P.A. Saccardo 9 20134 Milan 20134 | Email: cei@ceiweb.it; direzione@ceinorme.it Phone: +(39 02) 210 061; +(39 02) 2100 6237 Website: http://www.ceinorme.it |
Jamaica | Bureau of Standards Jamaica (BSJ)
Regional & International Trade Branch Contacts: Ms Nadette Brown and Ms Tafara Smith 6 Winchester Road Kingston 10 | Email: tbtenquirypoint@bsj.org.jm Phone: +(876)-618-1534; +(876)-632-4275 Website: http://www.bsj.org.jm |
Japan | Japan TBT Enquiry Point
International Trade Division Economic Affairs Bureau Ministry of foreign Affairs (MOFA) 2-2-1, Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-8919 | |
Jordan | TBT Enquiry Point Standardization Department Jordan Standards and Metrology Organization Contact Person: Eng. Rawan Zaid EL-amaireh P.O. Box 941287 Amman 11194 Jordan. | Email: enquiry@jsmo.gov.jo; rawan.amayrah@jsmo.gov.jo Phone: +962 6 530 1225 Website: http://www.jsmo.gov.jo |
Jordan | Tasks related to Standards, Technical Regulations and Conformity Assessment
Jordan Standards and Metrology Organization P.O. Box 941287 Amman 11194 | |
Kazakhstan | Kazakhstan's Notification Authority and Enquiry Point 8 Mangilik Yel Ave., "House of Ministries" Adm. Bldg., Entrance 7 Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan, 010000 010000 | |
Kenya | Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS)
KEBS Centre Contact Person: Managing Director Popo Road, off Mombasa Road, Behind Bellevue Cinema P.O. Box 54974 Nairobi 00200 | |
Korea, Republic of | Korea WTO TBT Enquiry Point Technical Regulatory Policy Division Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS) 93 Isu-ro Maengdong-myeon Eumseong-gun Chungchungbuk-do 27737 | |
Korea, Republic of | Agricultural products:
Quarantine Policy Division Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (MAFRA) 94, Dasom 2-ro, Sejong-si Sejong-si Sejong-si 339-012 | |
Kuwait, the State of | Standard and Metrology Department (KOWSMD) P.O. Box: 4690 Safat Safat 13047 | |
Kyrgyz Republic | For Technical Regulations and Conformity Assessment Procedures:
TBT Enquiry Point and Technical Regulation Information Service Ministry of Economy adn Antimonopoly Policy of Kyrgyz Republic Department of Technical Regulation and Metrology 106 Chui Avenue Bishkek 720002 | Email: utr307@yandex.ru Phone: +(996 312) 620523; +(996 312) 621190; +(996 312) 620588 Website: http://www.mineconom.kg |
Kyrgyz Republic | For Standards:
Center of Standardization and Metrology under the Ministry of Economy and Antimonopoly Regulation of the Kyrgyz Republic 197, Panfilov Street Bishkek 720040 | |
Lao People's Democratic Republic | Standards Division
Department of Standardization and Metrology Ministry of Science and Technology P.O. Box 2279 Vientiane | Phone: +(856) 21 732093 |
Latvia | Mr Normuds Freibergs
Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Latvia Internal Market Department Brivibas iela 55 Riga LV-1519 | |
Lesotho | The Department of Standards and Quality Assurance
Contact Person: Amohelang Hatase (Mrs). 100 | |
Liberia | Bureau of Industrial Service
Ministry of Commerce and Industry Contact: Lasana M. Donzo or T. Valington Kiejouh Coordinator for Standards Ministry of Commerce & Industry Ashmun & Gurley Streets, Monrovia Republic of Liberia P. O. Box 941 | Email: info.nep@staff.moci.gov.lr; lmdonzo@staff.moci.gov.lr; lasanadonzo@yahoo.com; vkiejouh@yahoo.com; valingtonkiejouh@gmail.com Phone: +(0023) 18 86 52 43 11; +(0023) 17 70 30 24 21 Website: http://www.moci.gov.lr |
Liechtenstein | Office for Foreign Affairs Heiligkreuz 14 Vaduz Vaduz 9490 | |
Lithuania | National WTO TBT Enquiry point Lithuanian Standards Board Algirdo Str. 31 LT-03219 Vilnius Vilnius 03219 | Email: enquiry@lsd.lt Phone: (+370) 5 279 1152 ; mobile: (+370) 658 60 308 Website: https://lsd.lrv.lt/ |
Luxembourg | Ministère du Travail et de l'Emploi
Inspection du Travail et des Mines (ITM) 3, Rue des Primeurs Strassen L-2361 | |
Macao, China | Economic and Technological Development Bureau 1-3, Rua Dr. Pedro José Lobo 25th Floor | Phone: +(853) 8597 2239 Website: https://www.dsedt.gov.mo |
Madagascar | Service de la Qualité et du Conditionnement Ministère de l'Industrialisation et du Commerce 6 rue Ravelomoria Ambohidahy - BP 454 ANTANANARIVO 101 | |
Malawi | Director General
Malawi Bureau of Standards P.O. Box 946 Blantyre Blantyre 312200 | |
Malaysia | WTO/TBT Enquiry Point and Notification Authority SIRIM No. 1 Persiaran Dato' Menteri PO Box 7035 Section 2 40700 Shah Alam Selangor Darul Ehsan Shah Alam 40700 | Email: tbt@sirim.my Phone: +(60 3) 5544 6089 Website: https://www.sirimacademy.my/industrial-support-services/national-wto-tbt-enquiry-point/ |
Maldives | Fair Trade Section
Ministry of Economic Development Government of maldives Boduthakurufaanu Magu' Male 20 - 095 The Republic of Maldives | |
Mali | M. Amadou Diop,
Inspecteur des Services Economiques, Chef du Service Accréditation à l’Agence Malienne de Normalisation et de Promotion de la Qualité (AMANORM) Hamdallaye ACI 2000 Bamako | |
Malta | Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority (MCCAA) 'Mizzi House' National Road Blata-l-Bajda HMR 9010 | |
Mauritania | Cheikhou Camara Chef Service de la Promotion des Echanges Commerciaux à la DPCE/ au MCIAT | |
Mauritius | Mauritius Standards Bureau (MSB) Villa Road, Moka Mauritius | Email: msb@intnet.mu; kramsarrun@msb.intnet.mu Phone: +(230) 433 3648 Website: http://msb.intnet.mu/English/Pages/default.aspx |
Mexico | Secretaría de Economía Dirección General de Normas Ariel Noel Gutiérrez Contreras Director de Mejora de Procesos y Promoción Pachuca 189, Colonia Condesa, Cuauhtémoc Ciudad de México 06140 | |
Moldova, Republic of | Main TBT Enquiry Point Quality Infrastructure and Market Surveillance Division, Ministry of Economic Development and Digitalization Natalia Jalba, Principal Consultant MD 2033 Chisinau Piata Marii Adunari Nationale, 1 2039 | Email: secretariat@mded.gov.md; natalia.jalba@mded.gov.md; lidia.jitari@mded.gov.md; marina.chitanu@mfa.gov.md Phone: +(373) 22 250 668; +(373) 22 250 639 |
Moldova, Republic of | National Notification Authority Marina CHITANU, First Secretary, Mission of the Republic of Moldova to the WTO | Email: marina.chitanu@mfa.gov.md |
Mongolia | National Enquiry Point and Standards Information Center
Mongolian Agency for Standardization and Metrology (MASM) P.O. Box - 48 Peace street 46A Ulaanbaatar 210351 | |
Montenegro | Enquiry Point for technical regulations and conformity assessment procedures
Contact official: Ana Martinoviæ Senior adviser Ministry of Economy of Montenegro Department for Internal Market and Competition Rimski trg 46 Podgorica 81000 | |
Montenegro | Enquiry Point for standards
Contact person: Marko aranoviæ Information Center Officer Institute for Standardization of Montenegro VII Omladinske 28 Podgorica 81000 | |
Morocco | Institut Marocain de Normalisation (IMANOR) Angle Avenue Kamal Zebdi et Rue dadi Secteur 21, Hay Riad Rabar - MAROC | Email: imanor@imanor.ma Phone: +212 (0) 5 37 57 19 48; +212 (0) 5 37 57 19 49; +212 (0) 5 37 57 19 51; +212 (0) 5 37 57 19 52 Website: http://www.imanor.gov.ma |
Mozambique | Instituto Nacional de Normalização e Qualidade - INNOQ
National Institute of Standardization and Quality Mr. Márcia Julia Maxlhuza - Av.de Moçambique Parcela 7168/D1/7 C.P:2983 CP 2983 | |
Myanmar | Department of Research and Innovation (DRI) No.6. Kabar Aye Pagoda Road, Yankin Township, Yangon, Myanmar | Email: standards.mstrd@gmail.com; standardizationdiv@gmail.com; tbtenquiry@myanmarstandards.org.mm; wwmoejan4@gmail.com Phone: +95 1 663024; +95 1 663068 Website: www.myanmarstandards.org.mm |
Namibia | Namibian Standards Institution (NSI) Ms. Lahya Hambinga Manager: Standards Publications, Sales & Information & WTO TBT NNA & NEP 37 Feld Street, Windhoek P.O. Box: 26364 Windhoek | |
Nepal | Nepal Bureau of Standards and Metrology (NBSM)
Ministry of Industry Balaju Kathmandu | |
Netherlands | For Article 10, paragraph 1.1
Ministry of Finance Tax and Customs Administration Central Licensing Office for Imports and Exports Section EEC/WTO-Notifications The CDIU is responsible for the implementation of regulations in the field of international trade and also for information on technical regulations, including notifications. PO Box 30003 GRONINGEN 9700 RD | Email: Cdiu.notificaties@belastingdienst.nl Phone: +(31 50) 5232 133; +(31 50) 5232 134; +(31 50) 5232 135 |
Netherlands | For Article 10, paragraph 1.2:
Nederlands Normalisatie-Instituut (NEN) (Netherlands Standardization Institute) P.O. Box 5059 2600 GB DELFT | Phone: +(31 15) 269 0255 Website: http://www.nen.nl |
Netherlands | For Article 10, paragraph 1.3:
Raad voor Accreditatie (Dutch Accreditation Council RvA) P.O. Box 2768 3500 GT UTRECHT | Phone: +(31 30) 239 4500 |
New Zealand | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment Level 6, 15 Stout Street, Wellington 6011; Private Bag 2439, Wellington 6140 | Email: wto@standards.govt.nz Phone: +(644) 89 65126 Website: https://www.mbie.govt.nz/business-and-employment/business/trade-and-tariffs/trade-barriers/ |
Nicaragua | Comisión Nacional de Normalización Técnica y Calidad (CNNC) Oficina de Información y Notificación (OIN) Carretera a Masaya, Kilómetro 6, frente a Camino de Oriente. Managua, Nicaragua Managua | Email: imartinez@mific.gob.ni; notificacion@mific.gob.ni; normalizacion@mific.gob.ni; Phone: + (505) 22489300; Extensiones: 1314; 1310 Website: www.mific.gob.ni/Inicio/Comercio/Comercio-Interior/SNC/snn/enn/ncp |
Niger | M. Abdoul Kader ZAKARY OUMAROU Directeur general de l' Agence Nigerienne de Metrologie et Certification (ANMC) 917 Niamey-Niger/Village de la Francophonie Niamey | Email: derka25@hotmail.com; anmc.niger2019@gmail.com Phone: +227 20 32 42 54/+227 99 018 989 Website: http://www.anmc.ne |
Nigeria | Standards Organisation of Nigeria,
Chudi-Anaukwu, Chioma Vivienne Plot 13/14 Victoria Arobieke Street, off Admiralty Way, Lekki Phase 1. | Email: chioma.chudi-anaukwu@son.gov.ng; chivivlinjet@yahoo.com Phone: +(234) 803 316 2789; +(234) 809 716 7219 Website: http://www.son.gov.ng |
North Macedonia | TBT Enquiry Point
Institute for Standardization Contact person: Zoran Dimitrievski Vasil Glavinov bb Skopje 1000 | Phone: + (389) 2 3298 944 Website: http://www.isrm.gov.mk |
Norway | Standards Norway PO Box 242 Lysaker 1326 | |
Oman | National Enquiry Point and Information Centre (NEPIC) Ministry of Commerce, Industry & Investment Promotions P.O. Box 550 Muscat Postal Cod | |
Pakistan | (a) Standardization , Conformity Assessment, Legal Metrology and Technical Services undertaken by the Pakistan Standards & Quality Control Authority: Pakistan Standards & Quality Control Authority (PSQCA) Complex Plot No. ST-7/A Block-3, Scheme # 36 Gulistan-e-Johar, Karachi 75290 | Email: tbt@psqca.com.pk; wto.nep@psqca.com.pk;psqcadg@super.net.pk; info@wto-pakistan.org Phone: +(92 21) 99261878 Website: http://www.psqca.com.pk |
Pakistan | (b)Technical regulations relating to food and health safety: Ministry of Health, Social Welfare and Population Planning; Government of Pakistan Secretariat Block 'C', Islamabad Islamabad | Phone: +(92 51) 820 930 |
Panama | Dirección General de Normas y Tecnología Industrial (DGNTI)
Ministerio de Comercio e Industrias Av. Ricardo J. Alfaro Edificio Plaza Edison Tercer Piso Panama | Email: dgnti@mici.gob.pa Phone: +(507) 360 0716; +(507)360 0700; +(507)370 0600 Website: http://www.mici.gob.pa |
Papua New Guinea | National Institute of Standards and Industrial Technology (NISIT) Standards Development Division P.O.BOX 3042, Boroko, NCD Port Moresby 1121 | Phone: 3231852 Website: http://www.nisit.gov.pg |
Paraguay | (a) Para consultas sobre reglamentos técnicos, normas y procedimientos de evaluación de la conformidad, dirigirse a la Unidad de Coordinación del SNIN del Ministerio de Industria y Comercio (MIC), cuyas referencias son: Andrea Celeste Fernández Noguera Unidad de Coordinación, Subsecretaría de Estado de Comercio Ministerio de Industria y Comercio Avda. Mariscal F. López 3333. Asunción | Email: snin@mic.gov.py; andrea.fernandez@mic.gov.py Phone: +595 (21) 616 3284 Website: https://snin.gov.py |
Paraguay | (b) Para notificaciones a la OMC, información y consultas formales de los países Miembros referidos a OTC, el punto focal es:
Centro de Referencias OMC Dirección de Organismos Económicos Multilaterales-Subsecretaría de Relaciones Económicas e Integración. Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Palma casi 15 de Agosto, Nº 594 Asunción | |
Peru | MINCETUR Calle Uno Oeste N° 50 Lima 27 | |
Peru | Instituto Nacional de Calidad (INACAL) Rosario Uría Toro Calle Las Camelias 815, San Isidro Lima 27 | Email: ruria@inacal.gob.pe; standards@inacal.gob.pe Phone: +(51 1) 640 8820 Website: http://www.inacal.gob.pe |
Philippines | Mr. Neil P. Catajay Director Bureau of Philippine Standards Department of Trade and Industry 3F Trade and Industry Building 361 Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue Makati City Philippines 1200 | |
Poland | Polski Komitet Normalizacyjny (PKN)
(Polish Committee for Standardization) WTO/TBT National Enquiry Point Contact: Mr. Artur Stakiewicz or, in case of his absence, Ms Kamila Radoñska Swietokrzyska St. 14 P.O. Box 411 Warsaw P1-00 950 | |
Portugal | Instituto Português da Qualidade
(Portuguese Institute for Quality) Rua António Gião, 2 Caparica Caparica 2829-513 | |
Qatar | Qatar General Organization for Standardization (QS) P.O. Box 23277 Doha - Qatar | |
Romania | Asociatia de Standardizare din România (ASRO)
(Romanian Standards Association) Str. Mendeleev 21-25 Bucharest 1 70168 | |
Russian Federation | Federal State Budgetary Institution "Russian Standardization Institute" 31, building 2, Nakhimovsky prospect Moscow 117418 | Email: enpoint@gostinfo.ru Phone: +7 (495) 531-27-05; +7 (495) 531-26-59 Website: www.gostinfo.ru/pages/Wto/ |
Rwanda | Mr. Johnny Uwimana Hassan
WTO/TBT Enquiry point Rwanda Standards Board KK 15 Rd, 49 Kigali | Email: info@rsb.gov.rw; johnny.uwimana@rsb.gov.rw Phone: Hotline: 3250; +(250) 788636510 Website: http://www.rsb.gov.rw |
Rwanda | Mr. James D. TAYEBWA
WTO Notification Officer Ministry of Trade and Industry Department of Trade and Investment Kigali | Email: jtayebwa@minicom.gov.rw; dyebwa@gmail.com Phone: +(250) 788 636 406 Website: http://www.minicom.gov.rw |
Rwanda | Ms. Beatrice UWUMUKIZA
Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources WTO/Plant Health Enquiry Point | |
Rwanda | Dr. Isidore Gafarasi Mapendo
Director of Veterinary and Laboratory Services Rwanda Agriculture Board (RAB) Animal Health Enquiry Point | |
Rwanda | Ms. MUKAMUNANA Alphonsine
Ministry of Health Department of Environmental Health Desk | Phone: +(250) 788673500 |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | St.Kitts-Nevis Bureau of Standards & Multipurpose Lab
Stuart La Place, Director La Guerite Basseterre St.Kitts | |
Saint Lucia | Saint Lucia Bureau of Standards Bisee Industrial Estate Box CP 5412 Castries | Email: info@slbs.org; slbs@candw.lc Phone: +1 (758) 453 0049; +1 (758) 456 0546; +1 (758) 456 0102 Website: http://www.slbs.org.lc |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Bureau of Standards (SVGBS) Campden Park Industrial Site P.O. Box 1506 Kingstown VC0100 | |
Samoa | Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Labour
Fair Trading, Codex Alimentarius, Consumer Protection and Metrology Division PO Box 862 Apia | Email: roger.toleafoa@mcil.gov.ws; codex.samoa@mcil.gov.ws Phone: +(685) 204 41 +(685)/204 42 +(685)240 48 Website: http://www.mcil.gov.ws |
Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of | Saudi Arabia Standards Organization (SASO) P.O. Box 3437 Riyadh 11471 | Email: ENQUIRYPOINT@saso.gov.sa Phone: +966(1)4520133; ext:1380; ext.1382; ext.1383 Website: http://www.saso.gov.sa |
Senegal | Association Sénégalaise de Normalisation (ASN) M. Mamadou SANGARE Avenue Jean Jaures, Immeuble El Hadji Omar DIA Dakar | |
Seychelles | Trade Division Ministry of Finance, National Planning and Trade 2nd Floor, Maison Esplanade P.O. Box 313 Victoria Mahe Victoria | Email: vbrutus@finance.gov.sc Phone: (+248) 438 20 00, (+248) 4382 160 Website: https://www.tradeportal.sc |
Sierra Leone | Professor Thomas R.B. Yormah
Director, Sierra Leone Standards Bureau Old SLMPB Building, Cline Town, Freetown, Sierra Leone | |
Sierra Leone | National Notification Authority
Mr. Emmanuel Billy Konjoh Ag Director Foreign Trade Ministry of Trade and Industry 6th Floor Youyi Building Freetown | Phone: +(232) 76829583 |
Singapore | (a)National Standards Body and Technical Regulations relating to specific household electrical, electronic and gas appliances and products
Standards, Productivity and Innovation Board (SPRING Singapore) 1 Fusionopolis Walk, Singapore 138628 | |
Singapore | Technical regulations relating to processed food:
Ms Adelene Yap (Food Regulatory Management), Singapore Food Agency 52 Jurong Gateway Road, #14-01, Singapore 608550 608550 | Email: WTO_Contact@sfa.gov.sg; Adelene_YAP@sfa.gov.sg Phone: +(65) 68052992 Website: https://www.sfa.gov.sg |
Singapore | Other technical regulations:
Ministry of Trade and Industry International Trade Cluster, Trade Division 100 High Street #09-01 The Treasury 179434 | |
Slovak Republic | Úrad pre normalizáciu, metrológiu a skúšobníctvo
(Slovak Office of Standards, Metrology and Testing – UNMS) Štefanovičova 3 – P.O. Box 76 Bratislava 15 810 05 | |
Slovenia | Slovenian Institute for Standardisation - SIST WTO TBT Enquiry Point Ulica gledališča BTC 2 Ljubljana SI 1000 | |
South Africa | South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) Ms. Nokubongwa Mvelase Officer: WTO TBT Enquiry Point Stakeholder Relations Department 1 Dr Lategan Road, Groenkloof Private Bag X191 Pretoria 0001 | |
Spain | Ministerio de Economía, Comercio y Empresa Secretaria de Estado de Comercio Subdirección General de Inspección, Certificación y Asistencia Técnica de Comercio Exterior Paseo de la Castellana, 162 - 6 Madrid 28046 | |
Sri Lanka | Director General
Sri Lanka Standards Institute 17, Victoria Place Elvitigala Mawatha Colombo 08 | |
Sri Lanka | Director General of Commerce
Department of Commerce 492, LHP Building R.A. De Mel Mawatha Colombo 03 | |
Suriname | Surinaams Standaarden Bureau (SSB) Leysweg # 10 Uitvlugt Paramaribo, Suriname | |
Sweden | National Board of Trade (for Articles 10.1-3)
Swedish WTO-TBT Enquiry Point Kommerskollegium Box 6803 Stockholm S-11386 | |
Switzerland | Swiss Association for Standardization (SNV) Swiss Information Center for Technical Rules (switec) Sulzerallee 70 Winterthur 8404 | |
Chinese Taipei | WTO TBT Enquiry Point Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection Ministry of Economic Affairs No. 4, Sec. 1, Jinan Rd., Zhongzheng Dist. Taipei City 100, Taiwan | |
Tajikistan | The Agency of Standardization, Metrology, Certification and Trade Inspection (Tajikstandart) under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan 42/2 Nemat Karaboev Street Dushanbe 734018 | |
Tanzania | Contact person(s):
Ms. Bahati Samillani (NEP officer) and Mr. Clavery Chausi Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS) Morogoro/Sam Nujoma Road, Ubungo P O Box 9524 Dar Es Salaam | Email: nep@tbs.go.tz; bahati.samillani@tbs.go.tz Phone: +(255) 22 2450206 Website: http://www.tbs.go.tz |
Thailand | For technical regulations relating to industrial products: Thai Industrial Standards Institute (TISI), Ministry of Industry 75/42 Rama VI Street, Thung Phaya Thai Sub-District, Ratchathewi District Bangkok, Thailand 10400 | |
Thailand | For Technical Regulations relating to food and agricultural products:
National Bureau of Agricultural Commodity and Food Standards (ACFS) 50 Phaholyothin Road, Ladyao Chatuchak Avenue Bangkok 10900 | Email: spsthailand@acfs.go.th (primary) spsthailand@gmail.com Phone: +(662) 561 2277 ext. 1317 Website: www.acfs.go.th, www.spsthailand.acfs.go.th/th/main |
Togo | Simon OGNANDOU Chargé d'études à la Direction du Commerce Extérieur Ministère du Commerce et de la Promotion du Secteur Privé BP: 383 Lomé-Togo BP 383 | |
Tonga | National TBT Notification Authority and Enquiry Point
Mrs. Distaquaine Tu‘ihalamaka Chief Executive Officer Ministry of Trade and Economic Development P.O. Box 110 Nuku‘alofa Kingdom of Tonga | |
Trinidad and Tobago | WTO/TBT Enquiry Point P.O. Box 467 Port of Spain | |
Tunisia | (a) Standards: Institut National de la Normalisation et de la Propriété Industrielle (National Standardization and Industrial Property Institute) INNORPI Contact: M. Nafaa BOUTITI Rue 8451 n°8 par la rue Alain Savary B.P. 57 Cité El Khadra 1003 Tunis 1003 Tunis | |
Tunisia | (b) Pesticides and disinfectants for domestic use:
Ministry of Public Health Directorate of Environmental Health and Environmental Protection Contact point: Mr. Shlaheddine CHENITI. Bab Saâdoun Tunis Tunis | Phone: +(216 1) 56 71 15 |
Tunisia | (c)Other technical regulations:Ministry of Trade, Directorate-General of Competition and Internal Trade 6, rue Venezuela 1002 Tunis Belvédère 1002 Tunis Belvédère | Phone: +(216 1) 78 08 15 |
Türkiye | Ministry of Trade
DG Product Safety and Inspection T.C. Ticaret Bakanligi Söðütözü Mah. 2176. Sk. No:63, Çankaya Ankara, 06530 06530 | Email: tbt@ticaret.gov.tr Phone: +(90 312) 204 89 75; +(90 312) 204 9286 Website: https://teknikengel.ticaret.gov.tr/ |
Uganda | Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS)
Contact: Mr. George Opiyo Plot 2-12, Bypass Link, Bweyogerere Industrial & Business Park P.O. Box 6329 Kampala Kampala | Email: george.opiyo@unbs.go.ug; george.lanyuru@hotmail.com Phone: +(256) 0417 33 32 50; +(256) 0417 33 32 51; +(256) 0417 33 32 52 Website: http://www.unbs.go.ug |
Ukraine | Ministry of Economy of Ukraine Department for Trade Agreements and Export Development 12/2 Hrushevskoho Str. Kyiv 01008 | |
United Arab Emirates | Ministry of Industry & Advanced Technology (MOIAT) Tel.: (+971) (4) 2084456 FAX: P.O. Box 2166 Abu Dubai | |
United Kingdom | Trade Policy, Implementation and Negotiations Department for Business and Trade Old Admiralty Building, London SW1A 2DY | |
United Kingdom | Article 10.3: Technical Information Group
British Standards Institution 389 Chiswick High Road London W4 4AL | Email: knowledgecentre@bsigroup.com Phone: +(44 208) 996 7004 Website: http://www.bsigroup.com/en-GB/industries-and-sectors/import-export/ |
United States of America | Standards Coordination Office (SCO)
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 100 Bureau Drive MS 2100 Gaithersburg, MD 20899 USA MD 20899 | Email: usatbtep@nist.gov Phone: +(1 301) 975 29 18 Website: https://www.nist.gov/standardsgov/usa-wto-tbt-enquiry-point |
Uruguay | Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas
Asesoría de Política Comercial Colonia 1206 -2º Piso Código Postal 11.100 Montevideo - Uruguay C.P. 11.10 | |
Uruguay | Dirección General para Asuntos Económicos Internacionales Dirección de Organismos Económicos Internacionales Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Colonia 1206 Montevideo | |
Vanuatu | Chief Executive Officer,
Vanuatu Bureau of Standards PO Box 6532 Port Vila Vanuatu | |
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of | Ministerio de la Producción y el Comercio
Vice-ministerio de Industria Servicio Autónomo Nacional de Normalización, Calidad, Metrología y Reglamentos Técnicos (SENCAMER) Avenida Libertador, Centro Comercial Los Cedros, PH Caracas Apartado P | Email: npunto@cantv.net Phone: +(58 212) 761 8671; +(58 212) 761 4520 Website: http://www.sencamer.gov.ve |
Viet Nam | TBT Viet Nam Office 8 Hoang Quoc Viet Road Cau Giay District Hanoi | |
Yemen | Permanent Mission of Yemen to WTO in Geneva | |
Zambia | Enquiry point of the Republic of Zambia Zambia Bureau of Standards (ZABS) P.O. Box: 50259 Plot No. 4526, Lechwe House Freedom Way - South-end Lusaka | Email: info@zabs.org.zm; certification@zabs.org.zm Phone: (+260) (211) 231385 / (211) 227075/ (211) 227183 Website: http://www.zabs.org.zm |
Zambia | National Notification Authority The Permanent Secretary Att: Department for Technical Regulations Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry 8th, 9th and 10th Floors New Government Complex Nasser Road P.O Box 31968 LUSAKA | |
Zimbabwe | (a) Standards and certification schemes:
The Director General, Standards Association of Zimbabwe (SAZ) P.O. Box 2259 Northend Close, Northridge Park Borrowdale Harare | |
Zimbabwe | (c) Food and health safety: Ministry of Health and Child Welfare P.O. Box CY 1122 Causeway Harare | Phone: +(263 4) 730 011 |
Zimbabwe | (b) Agricultural products: The Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture 1 Borrowdale Road P/Bag 7701 Causeway Harare Harare | Phone: +(263 4) 708 061 |