Perfil del MiembroParticipación en los debates sobre las preocupaciones comerciales relacionadas con las MSF y los OTC
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Ministry of Economic Development Boduthakurufaanu Magu Male 20125 | Correo electrónico: Teléfono: +(960) 323 668/960 315 596 Sitio web: |
Igual que el organismo nacional encargado de la notificación
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Participación en los debates sobre las preocupaciones comerciales relacionadas con las MSF
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Documentos del comité MSF
Haga clic aquí para ver documentos del comité presentados por Maldivas
Exámenes de las Políticas Comerciales
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Fair Trade Section
Ministry of Economic Development Government of maldives Boduthakurufaanu Magu' Male 20 - 095 The Republic of Maldives | Correo electrónico: Teléfono: +(960) 332 3668 Sitio web: |
Participación en los debates sobre las preocupaciones comerciales relacionadas con los OTC
Declaración/declaraciones sobre la aplicación
Acuerdo entre los Miembros
Aceptación del Código de Buena Conducta
Documentos del comité OTC
Haga clic aquí para ver documentos del comité presentados por Maldivas
Exámenes de las Políticas Comerciales
3.60. The Maldives Standard and Metrology Unit (MSMU) is the national standards body. Established under the authority of the MED, it has the mandate to: develop an appropriate set of national standards and technical regulations; assess conformity to national and international standards; ensure that the metrology of retailers and producers are accurate; and ensure the protection of heath and the rights of consumers. There is still no specific law related to standards, testing and certification in Maldives. A bill was being drafted at the time of the previous TPR, and is still under preparation
3.61. Major achievements since the last TPR include the establishment of a metrology laboratory and the introduction of a halal certification scheme. Furthermore, Maldives received capacity‑building and technical assistance from UNIDO under the project entitled "Market Access and Trade Facilitation Support for South Asian LDCs through Strengthening of Institutional and National Capacities related to Standards, Metrology, Testing and Quality (SMTQ)".[96] Phase 2 of the project was implemented between November 2007 and December 2011 and has contributed to, inter alia, strengthening the MSMU; developing a plan for the control of sub-standard and hazardous imported products; and the strengthening and accreditation of the National Food Testing Laboratory. Metrology cells were established in several regions and some awareness campaigns were organized in the areas of standards relating to occupational health and safety management (OHSAS 18000 series) and good hygiene practices (for the fishing industry). Phase 3 of the project was launched in July 2014 and was aimed at strengthening the capacity of the MFDA for the establishment of a national food control system. With assistance from UNIDO, the MSMU has drafted some standards related to fish, fish products, and management systems.[97] These standards are yet to be adopted. An audit by UNIDO's Independent Evaluation Group deemed the appropriation by the MSMU to be limited due to staff shortage and turnover.[98]
3.62. At the regional level, Maldives is collaborating with other SAARC countries in standards harmonization in sectors deemed of key trade interest, with the goal of enhancing intra-regional trade. In this context, the South Asian Regional Standards Organization (SARSO) was established in August 2011 with the objective of harmonizing standards in the following five sectors: food and agricultural products; jute, textiles and leather; building materials; chemicals and chemical products; and electrical and electronic products. It became operational in April 2014
3.63. Maldives is not a member of the International Organization for Standardization. It is neither a member of the International Electrotechnical Commission, nor a participant in its Affiliate Country Programme
3.64. According to notifications to the WTO, the MED is indicated as the national enquiry point and national notification authority under the TBT Agreement. Since 1995, Maldives has not submitted any notification to the WTO TBT Committee. No specific trade concern has been raised in the Committee regarding Maldives
3.65. The MFDA is the regulatory authority in this area. Its mandate includes food safety and the development of standards, regulations and laws related to food (including MRLs and MLs settings). It is the competent authority for food exports, and the contact point for Codex Alimentarius. The Health Protection Agency is the enforcement agency for food hygiene, including food inspection. However, its competencies for the inspection of imported and exported food products were transferred to the MFDA with effect from 1 November 2015. Inspections are carried out by MFDA agents posted at the borders. The preparation of legislation, regulations and standards related to food control are under the responsibility of the Food Control Division of the MFDA
3.66. The MFDA's National Health Laboratory (NHL) is the national testing laboratory for food products, including fish products for export. The MFDA achieved accreditation for the general requirements for the competence of testing and calibration (ISO 17025) for its microbiology and chemical laboratories respectively in 2008 and in 2010
3.67. Fish exports generally adhere to the standards required by export markets. An audit carried out in January 2013 by the EU's Food and Veterinary Office found Maldives' regulatory framework for fishery products to be generally in accordance with the EU requirements.[99] The report highlighted some improvements in the implementation of the official control, and noted some deficiencies, particularly in the area of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) plan implementation
3.68. A draft food bill was submitted to the Attorney General in June 2014 for review, but has not yet been enacted. Regulations related to breast-milk substitutes were approved in 2008, and will be implemented on 1 January 2016
3.69. Maldives has not submitted any notification to the WTO SPS Committee. Imports of eggs and egg products from countries on the WHO list of bird flu affected countries are prohibited on SPS grounds. Maldives is a member of the FAO's Codex Alimentarius, and the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE). The MFDA is the contact point for Codex Alimentarius, and the Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture is the contact point for the OIE
3.70. Packaged food products (bottled, packaged or canned) are subject to labelling in accordance with prescriptions set out under the Consumer Protection Act of 1996 and relevant implementing regulations. In 2014, the MFDA issued the standards applicable to the labelling of pre-packaged foods.[100] Labelling requirements include: the name of the food; a list of ingredients; processing aids and carry-over of food additives; net contents and drained weight; the country of origin (if its omission would mislead or deceive the consumer); lot identification; date marking; and storage instructions. Food imports are subject to similar labelling requirements.[101] According to the authorities, the main challenge in the area concerns products being labelled in foreign languages other than English
3.71. Since 2004 and in accordance with the Tobacco Control Act (Act No. 15/2010), tobacco products are subject to textual warning covering 30% of the packaging
3.72. In accordance with international practices[102], the MFDA maintains a set of regulations related to breast-milk substitutes.[103] The legislation also covers labelling and marketing requirements for these items, and is to be enforced starting 1 January 2016. Labelling is to be in accordance with Codex requirements, and is to be provided in the local language
3.73. Although Maldives has no restrictions on the importation or production of GMO food, labelling requirements apply