Papua Nueva Guinea
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Nombre/organismo | Información de contacto |
The Secretary
Department of Trade and Industry Heduru Haus Free Mail Bag Waigani National Capital District Port Moresby | Teléfono: +(675) 325 5426/4829/5311/6699 |
Nombre/organismo | Información de contacto |
Economic and Development Cooperation Department of Foreign Affairs and Immigration P.O. Box 422 Waigani | Teléfono: +(675) 301 4168/4203 |
Diagrama de los códigos del SA relacionados con las notificaciones MSF
Participación en los debates sobre las preocupaciones comerciales relacionadas con las MSF
Reconocimiento de la equivalencia
Documentos del comité MSF
Haga clic aquí para ver documentos del comité presentados por Papua Nueva Guinea
Exámenes de las Políticas Comerciales
3.46. There was little change to PNG's SPS regime during the period under review; the legislation in force remains outdated, and a range of capacity weaknesses are yet to be addressed. The National Agriculture Quarantine and Inspection Authority (NAQIA) remains in charge of animal health and plant protection, including veterinary drugs and organic fertilizers. Biosecurity aspects of fish and fish products are the joint responsibility of NAQIA and the National Fisheries Authority. The National Department of Health is responsible for food safety and pharmaceutical products. The Conservation and Environment Protection Authority (CEPA), restructured in 2016, is in charge of wildlife and biodiversity protection, and the control of pesticides and inorganic fertilizers
3.47. The DCI remains PNG's SPS notification authority, and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Immigration maintains the only enquiry point. PNG has not made any SPS notifications nor has it been the object of any SPS-related specific trade concerns since its last Review. According to the authorities, PNG observes the standards, guidelines, and protocols of the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC), the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), and the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC)
3.48. A system of import permits issued by NAQIA remains in place for: live animals, animal products, fish and fish products, plants, timber, plant products, biological organisms, sand, stone and gravel. Import permit applications must be lodged at NAQIA's head office in Port Moresby, either by post or over the counter. The typical processing time is four to five working days.[55] In some cases, prior approvals by other competent authorities are also required.[56] Import permits are valid for three months, and specify the quantity and country of origin of the authorized good. According to the authorities, an electronic system for the issuance of import permits is being developed but progress is hampered by the lack of a sustainable funding arrangement
3.49. NAQIA conducts a risk assessment whenever an import or transhipment permit application concerns a good or a supplier which has not been previously analysed. The assessment may involve an evaluation visit by a NAQIA officer to the overseas authority in charge of SPS control and the exporter's production facilities. The import risk assessment process may take from 6 to 18 months to complete. In most cases, the assessment costs, including travel and accommodation of the officer sent on an overseas inspection, are met by the applicant. In case of a favourable risk assessment, NAQIA issues a protocol setting out the product-specific import requirements
3.50. The original import permit and the requisite exporting-country documentation stipulated therein must be presented upon the consignment's arrival at the point of entry into PNG for documentary checks.[57] NAQIA may carry out quarantine inspection of certain consignments before they are cleared for entry, based on the country of origin and the importer's past biosecurity compliance record. According to the authorities, approximately 30% of import consignments are subject to biosecurity inspections before clearance
3.51. PNG has not enacted any legislation on genetically modified organisms (GMOs). According to the authorities, GMO imports are cleared for entry without any specific controls. PNG maintains import bans on: fresh poultry products and semi-cooked pork products from several Asian countries; bananas from Australia; and potatoes from New Zealand and certain Australian states. The issuance of import permits for barracuda fillets from Australia and New Zealand has been suspended
3.52. NAQIA carries out the optional certification of exports' pest and disease status, and certifies the quality of exported cocoa beans under a long-standing arrangement with the Cocoa Board. Exporters must make their own arrangements to obtain information on the import requirements of the destination market, and communicate them to NAQIA for the purposes of the certification process
3.53. According to the authorities, plant and animal health surveillance activities on the domestic market have been hampered by resource constraints and statutory limitations to NAQIA's enforcement powers. PNG's laboratory diagnostics capacity is limited to highly pathogenic avian influenza, Newcastle disease and histamine (fish and fishery products). All other diagnostics are performed at overseas laboratories
Nombre/organismo | Información de contacto |
National Institute of Standards and Industrial Technology (NISIT) Standards Development Division P.O.BOX 3042, Boroko, NCD Port Moresby 1121 | Teléfono: 3231852 Sitio web: |
Participación en los debates sobre las preocupaciones comerciales relacionadas con los OTC
Declaración/declaraciones sobre la aplicación
27/10/2006 | |
05/03/2004 |
Acuerdo entre los Miembros
Aceptación del Código de Buena Conducta
National Institute of Standards and Industrial Technology | G/TBT/CS/N/170 |
Documentos del comité OTC
Haga clic aquí para ver documentos del comité presentados por Papua Nueva Guinea
Exámenes de las Políticas Comerciales
3.39. The National Institute of Standards and Industrial Technology (NISIT) remains in charge of standards development, conformity assessment, accreditation, and metrology services. According to the authorities, NISIT carries out the testing and certification of imports and goods in the domestic market on an ad hoc basis, typically when requested by government agencies or consumer protection organizations
3.40. Lacking sustainable financing and long-term premises for the establishment of its facilities, NISIT has been facing significant challenges regarding human and material resources, which have undermined its ability to deliver on its mandate. The 2019 National Budget has set aside additional resources, which should enable NISIT to restructure, grow its personnel (from 27 to 117 staff members within three years), and build capacity. A state-owned building has also been allocated for NISIT labs and an office complex, with relocation to the new premises expected by April 2019. The authorities would welcome additional trade-related technical assistance for a review of the existing quality infrastructure, and the elaboration of a national quality policy and its implementation
3.41. NISIT represents PNG in relevant activities at the regional level, including in the framework of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), the Pacific Area Standards Congress (PASC), the Asia Pacific Metrology Programme (APMP), the Asia-Pacific Legal Metrology Forum (APLMF), and the Asia Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (APLAC). It is a correspondent member of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM), and the International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML). NISIT is signatory to the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation Mutual Recognition Arrangement (ILAC MRA), but its status has been suspended since August 2017 due to underperformance stemming from inadequate resources and facilities for the carrying out of its work
3.42. NISIT serves as the national TBT enquiry point on standards and conformity assessment. PNG has not made any TBT notifications nor has it been the object of any TBT-related specific trade concerns since its last Review
3.43. NISIT is a signatory to the WTO Code of Good Practice for the Preparation, Adoption and Application of Standards.[54] Standards development is a demand-driven process that commences with the submission of a proposal to NISIT by any interested party. Seven technical committees, with broad stakeholder representation, consider the adequacy of international norms or the need for PNG to develop its own standards. In principle, draft standards are made available for public comment for 60 days. The final draft is endorsed by the NISIT Council and approved by the line minister before publication. While the mechanism for the elaboration and adoption of national standards has not changed during the review period, the authorities have indicated that the NISIT Council had not been operational for several years
3.44. National standards may be declared as technical regulations by the competent line ministries and departments, generally following a public consultation process. Notices of adopted technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment procedures are published in the National Gazette. NISIT is also responsible for maintaining a comprehensive database of standards, technical regulations and conformity assessment procedures in force in PNG. According to the authorities, the database's implementation is underway. Relevant statistics were not available
3.45. In principle, an accreditation division within NISIT operates the PNG Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (PNGLAS) and is responsible for the accreditation of testing and calibration laboratories, and certification bodies. However, the authorities have indicated that NISIT's accreditation functions have not been operationalized. PNG recognizes certificates issued from signatories of the ILAC MRA