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Arborescence des codes du SH associés aux notifications SPS
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Participation aux discussions sur les préoccupations commerciales SPS
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Participation aux discussions sur les préoccupations commerciales OTC
Communication(s) concernant la mise en œuvre
Accord entre les Membres
Examens des politiques commerciales
3.84. The legal framework for the application of technical regulations and standards in North Macedonia comprises the Law on Standardization[95]; the Law on Product Safety[96]; the Law on Metrology[97]; the Law on the Control of Articles of Precious Metals[98]; the Law on Accreditation[99]; and the Law on Market Surveillance.[100] During the review period, North Macedonia continued the process of harmonizing its technical regulations and standards with relevant EU rules, with a view to preparing itself for accession to the European Union
3.85. The Ministry of Economy is the main authority responsible for the adoption of technical regulations, including the transposition of the EU acquis. It is also the authority responsible for notifying the WTO and the EU Commission on technical regulations. Technical regulations are adopted by the Minister of Economy or the minister authorized by law as the competent authority for issues related to the production, marketing and release into free circulation of certain products or group of products. The evaluation of compliance with technical requirements is conducted by authorized legal entities. The Minister of Economy issues authorizations based on a criterion for accreditation in accordance with the Law on Accreditation. The authorized entities have the power to issue compliance certificates, upon written application by the interested legal or natural persons. North Macedonia acknowledges the foreign compliance documents and markings issued in accordance with the international agreements signed and ratified by it.[101]
3.86. The Standardization Institute of the Republic of North Macedonia (ISRM), as the national standardization body, participates in international, European and regional organizations for standardization, promotes standardization activities, and brings together public and private stakeholders. It develops and adopts voluntary national standards and acts as the WTO enquiry point. It has adopted 28,898 standards, most of which are European standards.[102] It is a full member of the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) and European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC). It is currently implementing its 2018-20 strategy for the development of standardization
3.87. The Institute for Accreditation of the Republic of North Macedonia (IARM) is responsible for the monitoring and control of accredited authorities for compliance evaluation. It decides on the accreditation procedure and oversees compliance with accreditation requirements. The IARM has signed agreements with the International Accreditation Forum, the European Cooperation for Accreditation, and the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation. The recognition of certificates for ISO 9001 is underway. In 2017, the IARM continued to work on accrediting laboratories operating within state-funded higher education facilities and public health institutions. So far, it has accredited 206 conformity assessment bodies for calibration, testing, medicinal laboratories, and product and process certification and inspection
3.88. The State Market Inspectorate is responsible for the monitoring and control of the enforcement of the provisions of the Law on Product Safety.[103] In 2017, it conducted more than 756 inspections in connection with the Law, (compared with 500 inspections in 2016), mostly on household appliances, certain construction products, toys, and children's clothing.[104] The Inspectorate coordinates its surveillance activities with other inspectorates and customs authorities. Pursuant to Article 8 of the Law on Market Surveillance, a National Coordinating Body on Market Surveillance was established in May 2018.[105] This Body is composed of representatives of various state inspection organs and ministries. In addition to the State Market Inspectorate, the members of this Coordinating Body are the State Labour Inspectorate, the State Inspectorate for Technical Inspection, the State Sanitary and Health Inspectorate, the Food and Veterinary Agency, the State Environment Inspectorate, the Agency for Electronic Communications, the Customs Administration, the Agency of Medicines, the Ministry of Transport and Communication, and the Ministry of Economy. The Coordinating Body signed a memorandum of understanding with the Customs Administration that lays down specific areas for cooperation regarding the control of products that enter the market of North Macedonia
3.89. The Bureau of Metrology, under the Ministry of Economy, oversees the implementation of the Law on Metrology and the Law on the Control of Articles of Precious Metals. It inspects compliance with metrology standards, and issues export/import permits for precious metals. It is a member of the European Association of National Metrology Institutes, a signatory of the International Committee of Weights and Measures Mutual Recognition Arrangement, a member of the International Organization of Legal Metrology and an associate member of European Cooperation on Legal Metrology (WELMEC). The Bureau published its calibration and measurement capabilities in the fields of mass, volume and flow and thermometry
3.90. Food labelling obligations are regulated by the Law on Food Safety[106] and related by-laws. The labelling requirements are the same for domestic and imported foodstuffs. In addition, imported products must display the address of the importer, the place of origin, and the country from which the product is imported. In addition to mandatory food labelling requirements set out in a Rulebook issued in 2005[107], labelling requirements defined by food category are prescribed by rulebooks that contain specific safety requirements or quality guidelines for particular food products.[108]
3.91. Since the last Review, North Macedonia submitted one notification to the WTO Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade.[109]
3.92. The authorities indicated that they aim to achieve full harmonization with the EU acquis in the area of products safety, during the period 2019-21, particularly through the transposition of EU New Approach Directives.[110]