Profil du MembreParticipation aux discussions sur les préoccupations commerciales SPS et OTC
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Nom/Organisme | Coordonnées |
Direction du Commerce Extérieur
Ministère du Commerce et de l'Industrie (MCI) 8 rue Légitime, Champ de Mars Port-au-Prince |
Nom/Organisme | Coordonnées |
Direction de la Quarantaine/Ministère de l'Agriculture,
des Ressources Naturelles et du Développement Rural (MARNDR) Damien - Route Nationale # 1 | Téléphone: +(509) 512 3907/250 8637/408 8088 |
Arborescence des codes du SH associés aux notifications SPS
Participation aux discussions sur les préoccupations commerciales SPS
Reconnaissance de l'équivalence
Documents du comité SPS
Veuillez cliquer ici pour voir les documents du comité présentés par Haïti
Examens des politiques commerciales
3.65. The Quarantine Directorate at the Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Rural Development (MARNDR) is the enquiry point for the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures. A number of restrictions and prohibitions have been adopted since 2013 (Table 3.5) but have not been notified to the WTO
3.66. The legislation on SPS measures is dispersed and outdated[76] and has not been regularly updated to reflect the new provisions imposed by international conventions, although numerous draft laws have been drawn up and await ratification by Parliament. They concern in particular: plant protection; animal health; quarantine; and sanitary controls of agricultural and fisheries products
3.67. The application of SPS measures (including control at the border) is the responsibility of the MARNDR's National Quarantine Unit. Controls are carried out on domestic sales and on imports or exports of live animals, meat, foodstuffs of animal origin and animal or plant products
3.68. Haiti is not party to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), although it does apply its directives
3.69. Haiti continues to face problems in meeting the standards imposed by importing countries on its products and in setting up its own system
Nom/Organisme | Coordonnées |
Bureau Haïtien de Normalisation
Ministère du Commerce et de l'Industrie Direction du contrôle de la qualité et de la protection de consummateur Contact: Mademoiselle Michelle DESRUISSEAUX 8, Rue Légitime Port-au-Prince |
Participation aux discussions sur les préoccupations commerciales OTC
Communication(s) concernant la mise en œuvre
Accord entre les Membres
Acceptation du Code de pratique
Bureau Haïtien de Normalisation (BHN) | G/TBT/CS/N/186 |
Documents du comité OTC
Veuillez cliquer ici pour voir les documents du comité présentés par Haïti
Examens des politiques commerciales
3.62. Haiti still has no specific legislation on standards, testing, approval or certification. International standards (notably those of the ISO, the WHO and the FAO) serve as a reference but have not been officially adopted. A product conformity verification programme has been operating since 2012 (Section
3.63. The Haitian Bureau of Standards (BHN) was set up in December 2012 with the task of organizing and managing standardization, certification, industrial metrology and quality promotion activities. It appears to be the enquiry point for the WTO Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade, but no notification to this effect has been made. The BHN represents Haiti in regional and international bodies such as the CARICOM Regional Organisation for Standards and Quality (CROSQ) and the Codex Alimentarius. A metrology laboratory was established in December 2012. Haiti is an Associate Member of the International Electrotechnical Commission
3.64. In 2012, the MCI and the Ministry of Public Health and Population issued a notice setting out the obligations applicable to food products and pharmaceuticals. The requirements also cover labelling. Labels must be in one of the official languages and contain information on the ingredients, the manufacturer, packager or distributor, the dates of manufacture and expiry, the weight and the contents. Operators had to implement these measures by 1 March 2013 at the latest